Getting Antsy
Well, it’s that time of year in the Midwest. The weather teases with sunshine but the temperature is a bit chilly. You want to ride but the ride may not be exactly what you have been longing for over the long winter. You know – the first day when you gear up, start the engine on your motorcycle/trike, and swing your leg over the seat. The smile takes over your face and you shift into first gear so you can ease out into the road. You want to feel the wind in your face and the sun on your back. Ahhh… That’s not exactly what we’re experiencing right now. Sure there are glimpses of riding days to come but right now they are too often speckled with rain and cold, damp days.
Right now, I am getting antsy. I find myself leaning a little more when I turn the steering wheel on my car. Driving with two hands on the wheel like I am gripping my handlebars. Yes, I will get my fix on whatever day provides me with a clear forecast. Cold and wet is too much for my early season rides. I know there are many riders that put on extra clothing and enjoy the chilly air. When I get the sunshine and the warm days, I too will smile and sing while I ride along the highways. For those of you who live in 365 day riding zones, get an extra ride in for me while you live the .